writing my comeback as if I was a celebrity

Hi blog.

It’s been a minute. And by that I mean, it’s been over a year. Sorry I left you for so long. I missed you!

I’m not sure if anyone will read this aside from my grandma and her friends and the one device that Squarespace Analytics says is from Virginia who looks at my blog a lot. Whoever you are, thank you for the support. It means the world to me. But middle-school-Maya loved blogging—RIP lavieenmaya.com—it was an outlet for her to express herself fully. That’s why I’m giving blogging another try.

Here’s a quick rundown of what I’ve been up to since you last heard from me:

I made some of the best friends of my life. I learned how to say goodbye. I got stranded in Newark, New Jersey on a layover for three days. I made pizza with the couple my parents knew, a couple I had only met once when I was one, who let me stay with them in New Jersey. The couple who changed my life.

Dancing with George in Vermont - July 2021

Josh & Carly with their burritos in Madrid - July 2021

PDX Rose Garden with Noelle when the rhododendrons were in full bloom - May 2022

Anna visits Oregon - December 2021

Malibu - August 2021

Making pizza with Daniel, my host while stuck in New Jersey for the weekend. Daniel & his wife Mary are the blueprint for my life - July 2021

I graduated high school early and was able to start living and being the way I wanted to live, no longer weighed down by the pain I had carried during those years.

Graduated af - December 2021

After graduation, in Palm Springs

Sweet release

What I thought was my dream school said no. I learned rejection is concrete proof you’re putting yourself out there. The universe had a sense of humor, and got me into my dream school’s rival. I experienced my heart pulling me in one direction and my mind in another. So I said no to Berkeley, and said yes to Oregon, something I never thought I’d do, but a decision I knew was right because it left me with an unshakeable feeling of peace.

Campus at 6 PM, June 2022

I worked at a company that made shoe insoles for six months. I wrote a lot about feet. I saved up my money and traveled to the East Coast, once to New York City and once to the Jersey Shore, to spend time with soul friends and start building something new.

Lily turns 18! New York, March 2022

NYC with Emma, March 2022

Stumbling upon luck

Carly & the Atlantic, New Jersey, May 2022

I learned that the only way to keep going was to set down the things from my past that were too heavy. I’ve taken these words to heart:

I’m not going to make any promises about developing a consistent posting schedule. I haven’t ascended to that level. Yet.



Me with a plate of food, circa 2013


Siena, with love