Siena, with love

I spent my spring looking at pictures of Siena, Italy: a medieval walled city drenched in warm tones and goldenrod light, known for their horse races and fruitcakes. It always seemed so far out of reach: living in Italy for a month with other kids my age, taking advantage of being eighteen and abroad. I’d think about it constantly, wishing I could just get to that moment where my plane lands in Florence and my life inevitably changes. I’m here, now. It’s even better than the story I had come up with in my head.

I was on the plane to Zurich when I became very aware of my heart’s presence in my body. It sounded angry, knocking against my chest over and over again. I wasn’t ready for this. I was traveling with 48 pounds of luggage, a lot of Liquid IV, and the hope that this trip would change me in some magical and unexpected way. That’s all I had: sundresses and hope. I had no clue who or what was about to come barreling into my life, nestling their ways into my heart, making every day something new.

The view I saw when I opened my window while flying to Zurich

And what have I stumbled upon, in this new beginning? I’ve found myself sprinting through the city to watch the sun rise or set, trying to catch a moment much bigger than anything I’ll ever be able to hold. I’ve allowed the salty brine of sea to hold me up while I floated over waves and tumbled underwater with new friends. I’ve established traditions: gelato and the piazza almost every night, Nanini Sundays, karaoke Mondays, taking pictures of every patio table I see, holding pinkies instead of holding hands.

Family dinners where they’ve recently started serving us beef patties and fries every night

Day trip to Florence

We didn’t catch the sunset, but we were met with pink clouds from above and live music from the city below

Maeve & I exploring the city on our first day

Maeve and I got lost on our way back from pizza on the first day. We turned the corner and saw this.

In our mermaid era

Sofia & I

I’m learning how to be lazy. I’m learning what my go-to order is at the cafe we frequent (one shakerato, a pastry and fruit cup to split). I’m learning that my favorite past time is sitting on my balcony, waving to the neighbor girls or listening to music, being fully aware that the world is still going on around me but allowing myself to sit for a moment and simply be.

Balancing our shakeratos

1st day of college

Duomo @ night with Sofia & Lauren

Queen cover band concert. Best night of my life

We got stuck in a parade on our way to dinner. They were excited when they learned we were from America

The life I’m building here is one I’ve come to love more and more each day. The tomatoes are plump. I adore my new friends. I can’t stop laughing.

Quinn in the catacombs

Dinner with a view

I keep catching myself worrying how this chapter will inevitably have to come to an end. I have two weeks left here. Tucked in our beds in our blue and yellow themed room, most nights I say to Maeve, “I want life to feel this way forever. We need to soak up every moment we can.”

She laughs and, in her calm Maeve way, says, “Don’t worry Maya. That’s exactly what we’re doing.”

And that’s what we’ll continue to do.

Siena, with love.


Matan & I at the piazza at night


time flies when you’re having fun


writing my comeback as if I was a celebrity